lately, i've considered abandoning my manners on the internet. i mean, uhh, i'm not exactly ladylike with my speech and shit on this blog but i generally don't scathingly humiliate people for no reason either. i always say please and thank you in public and i try not to swear when babies are around. recently though man, it is getting hard to bite my virtual tongue. everyone has given up! when was the last time you saw a comma in a facebook status? actually, fuck that. how often is there not a single instance of punctuation in your former classmates depressing update about getting new wiper blades? i hate that shit. it literally makes the internet unreadable to me.
i want to start retaliating and not just on poor grammar. i wanted to say so many hilarious (and snide) things today when the guy who used to fuck an old friend changed his relationship status and a photo of his new girlfriend popped up. orange skin, sparkle eyeshadow, high ponytail with that weird gloss covering it and all! what a fucking trainwreck and what a chance to read poorly spelled, half-witted comebacks!
am i wrong to point out the shortcomings of people i no longer care about? does internet etiquette even exist anymore? either way, i wish i could be as liberal with my insults as i am with my food. i'd love to tear the proverbial flesh off a lot of idiot's bones. i guess i'm just too goddamn canadian.
hahha, this weekend was such a trainwreck. beers at band practice on friday led to a flask of vodka at a die mannequin show at the garrison to a ridiculous bike ride before last call up to the three speed and lots of vomiting when i got home. i woke up the next day just in time to load gear at our show and was still hungover when we got onstage hours later. the show was like a giant reunion though and seeing about a hundred old friends brought me out of the darkness. of course, the tall cans probably helped as well.
we're recording a couple tracks and playing a couple big shows soon so check our myspace. also, check this! it's a video our friend emma made. it makes us look pretty cool... i guess.
i've been trying so hard to keep up with the band, the blog, the photos, the food, the potential tv gig, work and life that i've sort of lost it a bit. i constantly feel like i'm forgetting something (even though i'm not) and it's fucking stressing me out. april will be calmer, however. i'm looking forward to that. for now, here's some spitfist stuff: an interview i did with exclaim!, some music videos we made and a list of places we'll be playing. i'm making some shirts for the shows coming up and if you've ever wanted my stupid face all over your torso... you may be in luck!
while we were in kingston for a show we stopped by the value village and i grabbed a minolta point and shoot. it's called a freedom and it's pretty alright. i was mostly shooting blind in case it was totally broken; i didn't want to get my hopes up, but in the end i liked some of the shots. now i gotta relax, man. this weekend's gonna get weird.